ways to give

Your gift to Fayette Humane Society makes our work for animals possible

We are 100% volunteer-based with no facility

We depend on the support from our donors, fosters, volunteers and adoptors to give our rescues a home.  Learn more about the different ways you can support us below.

Give Now

Make a donation for the animals now.

Give Monthly

Become a life saver by joining our monthly giving program.

Give in Tribute

Make a gift in honor, memory or in trubute to a loved one.

Medical Fund

Help give extraordinary medical treatment to animals in need.

High Five Club

Join the High Five Club by
donating at least $5 / month!

Will Planning

Create a lasting legacy, include FHS in your will.

Give by Shopping

You can donate to us just by shopping!

Employee Giving

Donate to FHS through payroll deduction.

Donate Cryptocurrency

Donate Bitcoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies, for them!

You can always mail your donation or questions about giving programs to:
Fayette Humane Society
PO Box 244
Fayetteville, GA 30214

You can also email your questions regarding Wills, Giving, etc. to Finance@fayettehumane.org

P. O. Box 244
Fayetteville, GA 30214
