We need fosters for all different kinds of cats. We provide the supplies. You provide a temporary living space. Sign up today and we’ll help find the perfect foster for you.


Kittens range in age from 4 weeks to teenagers up to one year old, when they are considered adults. Younger kittens need more assistance from you. They need to be fed gruel until about 6 weeks old. They are messy eaters! They need lots of socialization.

6 to 8 weeks they become more independent eaters and are approaching their spay/neuter date! At 8 weeks they are spayed/neutered and ready for adoption into their forever home.

Adult Cats and Teenagers

Adults are the easiest to foster. They are more mellow than young kittens and available for adoption very quickly. Sometimes they are only with you for a week or two and are adopted. They are already socialized and can entertain themselves while you’re at work. We have lots of toys for fosters to keep busy.

Bottle Babies

Bottle babies are the most demanding fosters. They require feeding by syringe every 2-3 hours around the clock. As they get older they become more able to eat on their own. But until then, bottle babies are very high demand fosters.

Moms with babies are easier to care for because mom is feeding them but they sometimes need help from the foster.

Temporary Fosters

These are fosters that only have a short time to offer, but show up for the cats in a pinch. Maybe the regular foster is going out of town or we are waiting for a home to open up, or a transport.

Medical Fosters

Sometimes our cats or kittens are recovering from major surgery and can use the help of an experienced foster to provide the care needed and quiet environment to heal.

Foster Support Team

Can’t foster but want to help? We need transporters to take foster cats/kittens to adoptions, to vet appointments, and to bring supplies to fosters from time-to-time, and help setting up adoptions.